Saturday, February 21, 2009

I have finished chemo as of Feb 4th!

Hello all - I apologize for not blogging for a bit! I finished my last chemo session on Feb. 4th and it went well!!!!!. I am thrilled and relived!!! I have been recovering nicely. My hair has even started growing back!! It is just peach fuzz but I will take it! I have been enjoying new energy levels as I have been recovering. I have been baking with my daughter, making new recipes, going out with my sweet Bible study gals to new places, and just spending time with my family. This break between chemo and radiation has been such a respite for me...

It looks like I will start with my radiation therapy on March 9th. The external part is 6 weeks of five days a week (30 sessions of radiation) and then the internal is up to three days in the hospital. It is so cool how this process works. It is a certain wave of energy that damages the cancer cells so that they cannot heal themsleves; the cancer-free cells can repair themselves. I received tattoo's on my abdomen for positioning in the machine so they are able to give me treatment in the exact same place each time - essential! Jim is calling my treatments tanning sessions! heehee....The docs say the radiation process is a bit easier than chemotherapy - we'll see.

I greatly appreicate all of your notes of encouragement, wishes and prayers for us. Your gift of friendship to me and my family means the world. I love you all and need you! Hugs - Khris